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Workers' Compensation: How to Ensure You Are Getting the Benefits You Deserve

If you are injured at your place of employment as the result of an accident that prevents you from returning, then you are entitled to workers' compensation. The system is put into place to cover medical costs and protect employees who can no longer earn an income because of injuries they sustain while working. Like most government systems there is a high rejection rate, in part to save money and also because of the many people who submit false claims. Even though the system is difficult, there are some things that you can do to give yourself the best possible chance at receiving the benefits you deserve.

Make Sure You Report Every Injury Sustained

Every time you are injured on the job or get ill because of work, you need to report it to the proper channels. It's not enough to tell your boss and walk away; you need to have it in writing which means filling out a detailed incident report. If you aren't given a report to fill out then your employer will have no record of the injury and may deny that you ever complained to them. If there is no paperwork or an insurance adjuster doesn't call you up to discuss it, then something is amiss. Follow up with your boss or go up the ladder until you get results.

Keep Detailed Medical Records

You should let anybody caring for you know that your injury was sustained at your place of employment so that they can forward your medical bill on to workers' comp and not to you. If you choose to visit a doctor that is not suggested by your employer then you need to be certain that they are certified for workers' compensation claims, otherwise you will be stuck with the bill and will have to apply for reimbursement, which can take a long time. Make sure you keep copies filed away in your records of every hospital or doctor's visit you have made, as these records will come in handy if you aggravate an old work injury and need to prove it.

Be Wary of Employers Who Refuse Your Coverage

In certain cases it's the employer who is responsible for the employee not getting workers' compensation, often convincing employees not to make a claim by lying and saying they wouldn't be approved. Workers' compensation is a no-fault insurance, which means that even if you caused the accident (within reason) you will still be covered. Some employers convince employees that the accident was their fault and that they will not be covered. This is a way for companies to keep their safety records up by keeping accidents off the books and to save any money they would have to pay in compensation.

There are ways to make sure you get the best possible benefits on your workers' compensation claim, and they just require hard work, dedication, patience and possibly a personal injury attorney. The biggest thing to know is that lying or cheating is not only illegal, it rarely works. Always be honest. If your claim is valid then you will hopefully have no problems receiving full workers' compensation for your injuries.

Source by Em John

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