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Defining Common Damages in Personal Injury Cases

Accidents can happen at any time, and on a wide scope of severity. At times, accidents happen because of human error or negligence, which can lead to a personal injury claim. Common examples of personal injury cases include motor vehicle collisions, slip and falls, workplace injuries, dog bites, medical malpractice, product defects, and assault.

When someone is seriously injured in an accident due to another's negligence, they may be entitled to certain compensation for their damages and losses incurred as a result of the accident and subsequent injuries. Damages and losses differ from case to case depending on several factors, such as the extent of injuries, the extent of negligence, and the unique circumstances of the accident.

Common Types of Losses

Personal injury claims generally recognize and consider three types of losses, referred to as "compensatory damages." These include economic losses, future economic losses, and non-economic losses. Types of economic losses may include medical expenses, hospital bills, OTC medication costs, prescription costs, lost wages, time off work, child care expenses, home maintenance expenses, fuel costs (to and from doctors' visits), and similar expenditures.

Types of future economic losses may include prolonged medical treatment, physical therapy, long-term care, future medical expenses, future prescription costs, future hospital costs, and more. Types of non-economic losses may include pain and suffering, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, mental anguish, PTSD, loss of social life, loss of work abilities, loss of companionship, loss of education experience, and more.

Medical Expenses

After being seriously injured in an accident, a person will require medical attention; and unfortunately, medical care is not free. Medical bill coverage is a big part of the financial recovery in a personal injury case. Services like ambulance rides, surgeries, doctor's appointments, physical therapy, medical treatments, medicine, MRI's, x-rays, CT scans, follow up care, and more, all cost a lot of money, even with health coverage. The total cost of a victim's medical expenses vary from case to case, and depend largely on the extent and needs of their injuries. For more serious injuries, medical expenses can be ongoing for the remainder of a victim's life, so future medical costs must be considered in a personal injury claim as well.

Lost Income and Additional Losses

When a person is seriously injured in an accident, they are unable to work, which means they lose out on the bi-weekly wages that generally pay for the cost of living. Rent, mortgages, car payments, electric bills, groceries, and more, are all common bills that must be paid to maintain the quality of life a victim had before the accident. If they are unable to work, they are losing money that usually pays these expenses and more. These types of losses may be recoverable in a personal injury case.

Additional monetary losses that may result from a serious injury include vehicle replacement, funeral costs, pain and suffering, loss of companionship, loss of work abilities, long-term emotional trauma, PTSD, and more.

Source by Sarahbeth Kluzinski

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