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Do You Think You May Have Palmar Hyperhidrosis? Here Are Some Signs and Symptoms

Do you have constant sweaty hands or feet? You may be suffering from a medical condition called palmar hyperhidrosis. While getting sweaty hands is normal sometimes, constant sweaty palms or feet can be a symptom of an underlying physical disorder. The good news is that this condition is easily treatable and even curable.

In a body with a normally functioning nervous system, sweaty palms is a natural response to stress. Emotions like anxiety about a test or nervousness over a job interview can cause the body to sweat more than normal. But for some people it's constant, regardless of our emotional or physical state. While not life threatening, this condition can cause a serious decrease in quality of life.

It can be difficult to diagnose this disorder, since it's exact cause is unknown. For a long time, doctors didn't believe it existed. But Palmar hyperhidrosis is real and it can cause major issues in one's social life, work life, and academic life. Does this sound like you? Then keep reading.

Some symptoms or issues that can arise from constant sweaty hands are:

Work or school life may be problematic because of difficulties typing on a keyboard or holding a computer mouse. Jobs where one has to handle papers or money all day may be difficult because of wet, sticky hands. Some people have problems playing musical instruments or holding pens and pencils.

One's social may be drastically affected. Someone with palmar hyperhidrosis may be constantly trying to wipe one's hands off on one's pants or towels. For men, where shaking hands is the customary way of greeting strangers, meeting new people can be a point of major concern for fear of "grossing them out." For women, simple activities like putting on make-up or getting a manicure can be problematic.

This condition can lead to major social anxiety and avoidance of intimate relationships. Many people will avoid basic physical contact with a significant other, such as holding hands.

If you have some or all of these problems, you may want to get help. There are many treatments available for people suffering from palmar hyperhidrosis. Many people have found relief from simple, at home, do it yourself remedies. Seeing a doctor may be necessary in extreme cases. This isn't something you have to live with your whole life. Good luck!

Source by Michael M. Stone

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