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Is Being Short a Problem?

This article looks at the social and emotional impact being short has on people.

The world is made up of people who are all different. Unless you have an identical twin it is very hard to find two people who are both the same. Differences in people are generally obvious. People vary regarding their shape,weight, features and complexion.

One of the main differences in life that can be very personal to a person is their height. Someone might feel they are short when they compare themselves to other people and gain an inferiority complex as a result. This is a sensitive issue for them.

If someone feels that they are over weight they can physically do something about this by going on a diet but if someone is short they feel they are less able to alter this situation. The question is, why do people want to grow taller?

Someone who is short is in no way inferior to someone who is tall but society stereotypes people into feeling that they are not as good. There is the perception that tall people will get the best jobs and promotions along with the best girlfriends in favour of the shorter person.

It is often felt that someone of restricted height will not be taken seriously and this is further perpetuated when they are made fun of from an early age right through to adult hood.

Someones height is relative meaning that they will not necessarily feel short next to another person of similar height but can feel short standing next to a tall person. Other people who are short might not even care one way or the other about their height as they feel confident in themselves.

Another question is how do I grow taller and gain more height?

Some short people will feel that they have to resort to various methods to try and make themselves look much taller to boost their self confidence. This is no different from a person with thinning hair wearing a wig or toupee. Many people feel empowered with extra height.

People can look taller by dressing in a certain way, such as wearing a striped suit which gives the illusion of height. Slim clothing can help and practicing to stand up straight instead of slouching can improve this. Wearing high heel shoes will provide one of the most noticeable solutions to gain extra height.

All these things will provide the illusion of height but if someone wants to grow taller naturally then it will not be an easy fix. It will require a different process altogether involving hard work and discipline.

Some people might even consider a more drastic route such as getting an operation to gain height or taking so called growth pills to grow taller. These steps do pose a risk to health.

Any program offering an easy solution to gaining height has to be questionable. If you want to grow taller then you have a follow a strict regime to achieve this. Basically gaining extra height will involve a series of daily stretching exercises for the back arms and legs. It will also be important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods and staying off alcohol and fizzy drinks.

If something is worth achieving its worth working hard for.

For further details on how to grow taller please visit

Source by Wayne Hoyte

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