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Handmade Baby Quilts Make the World a Softer Place

Most everything that's soft makes us happy, whether it's the gentle voice of our favorite singer crooning a romantic ballad, or the soothing squishiness of our pillow as we slide into sleep. Little babies also crave the comfort of softness, but safety concerns limit their ability to enjoy it. Limited, yes, but impossible, no. There's nothing hard or edgy about beautifully made baby quilts, item that safely delivers softness to the cherished babies in your life.

Baby Quilt Softness Is Carefully Created

That super-soft baby quilt doesn't happen by accident. Makers of baby quilts scour the marketplace for the finest quality baby cotton flannels. That's because not all flannels are alike. Place of origin and manufacturing techniques can result in variations. There are some clever sewers who not only shop fabric stores, but also baby specialty shops, seeking baby clothes they can adapt to their unique baby quilt designs. The experienced hands and eyes of veteran quilters inspect all the selections for the very best choices. When those fabrics come home, they are machine washed and dried before any sewing starts, not only to guard against shrinkage, but to make sure that the softness level is boosted. We all remember a favorite blanket that felt better and better as it was laundered. Pre-washing the baby quilt materials starts the process that will continue as the quilt has more and more washings.

When the baby is a newborn, the quilt can be securely wrapped over the crib or carriage mattress to provide snuggly comfort without folds or wrinkles. Or it can be rolled and bundled, so that the baby has safe contact.

Nothing Soothes like a Familiar Soft Place

A baby's life is fraught with anxiety. When's the next meal coming? When's the next diaper change? Who is that person making faces at me? What the little one needs when it's time to escape the uncertainties of the day with an afternoon siesta or a night time sleep is the feel of something soft, safe, familiar and soothing, and that's what homemade baby quilts for boys and girls provide.

And they can take that sense of well-being with them on outings, because the familiar comfort that the soft baby quilt delivers is mobile. When the little one travels to Grandma's for the day or to out-of-state friends for a visit, the nap time room might seem new and strange but the much-loved quilt will be a calming old friend.

There is a lot of plastic in a baby's life, both hard and flexible, because it is such a practical, washable material. But plastic is no match for the luxurious feel of soft baby flannel.

The quilt's comfort doesn't end with the crib. The baby will continue to appreciate that quilted softness, when he and Dad read a story together, cuddled on the couch, or when she and Mom play with toys on the nursery floor.

Here's the Perfect Gift

Handmade baby quilts are created by one conscientious crafter whose sole focus is to make a quilt of such high quality and beautiful design that it will loved by the baby, treasured by the family and always be a reminder of the thoughtful person who gave it.

Source by Sharon Camp

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