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How To Choose The Best Car Seat For A Car

When a new member arrives in the family, we adapt the whole house for him: we buy a crib, a stroller, baby bottles and we look for the best special foods that our wallet can afford. We make so many efforts, that sometimes we overlook their safety in the car. No, ma'am, your arms-unfortunately-are not able to protect your baby in the car.

We have talked a lot about the importance of ABS brakes, stability control, air bags and the good performance of the structure in the LatinNCAP and EuroNCAP crash tests, but one kind of fog covers all the information about of the baby seats, which are finally the most important for the safety of the child in the car.

Why do you need a baby car seat?
Luckily we do not remember anything from when we were babies, because if we were able, we would value our neck much more. At that age, when we still do not know how to speak, the head is the heaviest part of the body, supported by a very fragile neck that is still developing.

What's this all about? Well, in case of an accident, maybe your neck will be able to withstand the impact, but that of a small child will surely not to say that of a baby. That is why it has not been marketing, but engineering, who has come on the market baby car seats.

Among its functions, in addition to holding the baby in place, highlights the decrease in injuries. The fact that at the moment of the impact does not catapult is already a great advantage, but the structure of the seat also allows the small child or baby not to receive such severe blows. Studies have shown that child restraint systems reduce the risk of injury by 90%.

How to choose the right seat?

Baby Seat For A Car
Currently, almost all cars are equipped with ISOFIX (European models) or LATCH (American models) anchorage systems, however, it is necessary to check the compatibility of the chair with these systems and ensure that the car has one of these systems.

Secondly, it must be understood that not all baby seats are the same. As well as food or clothing, the seats should be chosen according to the weight, height and age of the child. It is advisable to use the special seat at least until 5 years old, but there are seats for children under 9 years of age.

There are different categories depending on the child's weight, these are:

Group 0: From 0 to 10 kg - approximately up to 9 months.
Group 0+: From 0 to 13 kg - approximately up to 18 months.
Group 1: From 9 to 18 kg - approximately 9 months to 4 years.
Group 2: From 15 to 25 kg - approximately 3 to 6 years.

Group 3: From 22 to 36 kg -about 6 to 12 years.

It is important to consider that not always the most expensive seat will be the best.

Source by Alisha Ahmed

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