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Symptoms Of Lung Cancer!

You must have surely heard the saying 'health is wealth.' With the increasing inflation, the stress in our lives is also increasing. It is extremely important to safeguard our health against diseases. Whenever anyone hears the word 'cancer' it brings a very negative impact on the person as medical science is yet to find a permanent cure for this rapidly spreading disease.

Young and old people from all walks of life are getting lung cancer which is one of the most severe and fastest spreading diseases today. It is vital for all of us to be aware about the initial symptoms so that we can get early medical help and thus stop it from spreading in the body.

Some of the symptoms are as follows:

Unexplained weight loss:

This is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. Unexplained weight loss is one of the first signs and you should keep a tab so that your records can help you quantify.

Incessant fever:

Most of the patients suffer from continuous fever. Whenever the cancer spreads or impacts the immune system of the body, the patient will suffer from fever. In fact, doctors all over the world feel that incessant fever is one of the earliest signs of cancer especially in the case of lung cancer. Fever causes weakness and thus makes it difficult to cope with the disease.


It goes without saying that fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. A sense of tiredness will always prevail in all cancer patients. This is among one of the earliest symptoms and you should be aware that if there is continuous fever and tiredness for a long period it could be cancer that has infected the immune system of the body.


Pain, discomfort, and wheezing are some more symptoms of lung cancer. In fact, shortness of breath and constant cough accompanied with hoarse voice are definite symptoms and signs of this dreadful disease.

Chest pain:

Another very definite symptom is chest pain. This is in fact a warning sign of the development of lung cancer in the body.

The above listed symptoms are warning signs and you should not ignore them. Hence, all of us should be aware of the early signs and symptoms of lung cancer so that we can seek medical attention at the earliest. Cancer can attack both young and old people alike so it is necessary that all of us are aware about the disease.

Source by Richard Rosenhaft

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